Top 10 data & analytics trends in 2019?

Augmented analytics, continuous intelligence, data fabric and persistent memory servers are among the top trends that will drive analytics over the next few years.

In recent Data & Analytics Summit in Sydney, Australia, professionals released the "Top Technology Trends in Data and Analytics That Will Change Your Business."

1. Augmented analytics

By 2020, augmented analytics will be a dominant driver of new purchases of analytics and business intelligence as well as data science and machine learning platforms, and of embedded analytics.

2. Augmented data management

By 2020, 50 percent of analytical queries will be generated via search, NLP or voice, or will be automatically generated.

3. Continuous intelligence

By 2022, more than half of major new business systems will incorporate continuous intelligence that uses real-time context data to improve decisions.

4. Explainable AI

By 2022, 75 percent of new end user solutions leveraging AI and ML techniques will be built with commercial instead of open-source platforms.

5. Graph analytics

By 2023, over 75 percent of large organizations will hire AI behavior forensic, privacy and customer trust specialists to reduce brand and reputation risk.

6. Data fabric

The application of graph processing and graph databases will grow at 100 percent annually through 2022 to continuously accelerate data preparation, and enable more complex and adaptive data science.

7. Natural language processing (NLP)/conversational analytics

Through 2022, data management manual tasks will be reduced by 45 percent through the addition of machine learning and automated service level management.

8. Commercial AI and machine learning

Through 2022, custom-made data fabric designs will be deployed as static infrastructure, forcing a new wave of cost to completely redesign for more dynamic approaches.

9. Blockchain

By 2021, most permissioned blockchain uses will be replaced by ledger DBMS products.

10. Persistent memory servers

By 2021, persistent memory will represent over 10 percent of in-memory computing memory GB consumption.

Data source: Information management.